Thursday, February 7, 2019

An Explanation of the RBI Grade B Examination

The allure of a government job can be so intoxicating to an Indian that they don’t even bother knowing the job profile. You need a job and so does every student coming out of college every year. However, everyone, including you, should be careful enough to go through the job profile before applying for it. This topic will explain the particulars of the RBI Grade B officer’s job and the RBI Grade B 2019 Coaching.

How to know

Always choose to explore the website of the particular Government body which you wish to join. You should know about the tasks that it performs. Otherwise, even if you get the job, you may not be able to do it or find the position unsatisfying. The teachers providing RBI Grade B Online Coaching will explain everything to you, but you should always conduct a preliminary search by yourself.

Further Details

The post of the Grade B officer is one of the most prestigious among the positions in public sectors. Lakhs of people will be competing against you in the examination. So, you can contemplate the level of competition that you’re going to face. The situation can be even more difficult for the NABARD Grade A position. The pay package for these two jobs can be very handsome and desirable.

The Selection Procedure

After the RBI Grade B 2019 coaching, you will sit for a Preliminary Examination (Phase 1). If you can topple it, the next hurdle will be the Mains Examination (Phase 2). The second test will be almost similar to the first but much longer. Finally, after passing the two internet-based examinations, you will have to face an interview. If you can crack it, then the prestigious job will be yours.

Recognizing the Cut offs

You will have to answer questions on General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, English Language, and Reasoning in Phase 1.There is a cut off for each subject, and you have to achieve that. Being an expert of any one of the topics will get you nowhere. Phase 2 consists of subjects like Economic and Social Issues, Finance and Management, and English Descriptive. So, recognize the cut off scores and prepare yourself accordingly.